5G technology is really all-encompassing. Here are the various sectors with 5G technologies being employed to revolutionise it: 

1. Smart cities and smart buildings: With IoT (Internet of Things) sensors being able to monitor and collect data on air quality, energy usage, traffic patterns for cities, civic authorities will be able to manoeuvre operations effectively. 

2. Manufacturing sector: Artificial intelligence will analyse the massive amounts of data being collected to automate processes such as quality control, standardisation precision checking, etc. being done manually. 

3. Farming sector, environment: Connected devices will transform data on weather conditions, crop health, chemical levels, pest presence, allowing proper labour allocation, cost and waste reduction and yield. Environmental monitoring, both flora and fauna, and restoring ecological balance in accessible areas will be a reality. 

4. Healthcare, telemedicine: Remote diagnosis and surgeries will become common, while medical device implants will capture and transmit health data to specialists with ease, making early detection of diseases possible. 

5. Automobile sector, transportation: Self-driving vehicles that can communicate in real-time with other nearby vehicles and fixed roadway infrastructures will be possible. 

6. Virtual reality, entertainment, live event experiences: Virtual Reality will become more viable, enabling remote working from global locations, or an authentic live sports stadium experience at home. Virtual shopping in different cities of the world will emerge while downloading offline entertainment will be redundant.

Advantage : 

There are several advantages of 5G technology, some of the advantages have been shown in the above Ericsson image, and many others are described below − 

1. High resolution and bi-directional large bandwidth shaping. 

2. Technology to gather all networks on one platform. 

3. More effective and efficient. 

4. Technology to facilitate subscriber supervision tools for the quick action. 

5. Most likely, will provide a huge broadcasting data (in Gigabit), which will support more than 60,000 connections. 

6. Easily manageable with the previous generations.

7. Technological sound to support heterogeneous services (including private network). 

8. Possible to provide uniform, uninterrupted, and consistent connectivity across the world. 

Disadvantage : 

Though, 5G technology is researched and conceptualized to solve all radio signal problems and hardship of mobile world, but because of some security reason and lack of technological advancement in most of the geographic regions, it has following shortcomings − 

1. Technology is still under process and research on its viability is going on. 

2. The speed, this technology is claiming seems difficult to achieve because of the incompetent technological support in most parts of the world. 

3. Many of the old devices would not be competent to 5G, hence, all of them need to be replaced with new one — expensive deal. 

4. Developing infrastructure needs high cost. 

5. Security and privacy issue yet to be solved.